ChicagoCAC is a 501(c)(3) not-for-profit organization.

Just as our work to help children and families heal from abuse is a public-private partnership, our funding represents a mix of private and government sources.

Our Budget

In our 2021 fiscal year (July 1, 2020 to June 30, 2021), our revenue was $7,113,210. We receive funding from government sources and private sources, including individuals, grants and our special events.

The numbers below are unaudited and exclude the net effect of a 10-year lease donated by the City of Chicago, as well as in-kind contributions and contributed services.

Annual Reports + 990s

Our annual reports highlight the successes of our programs and departments while demonstrating our responsible spending, while our Form 990s account for our spending in a given tax year.

Our Funders

Our work to help children and families heal from abuse is made possible by public-private partnerships. We are grateful to receive funding from government grants, generous individuals and the following private foundations.

Public Supporters:

  • Chicago Department of Family and Support Services
  • Chicago Department of Public Health
  • Cook County Justice Advisory Council
  • Illinois Department of Children and Family Services
  • Illinois Criminal Justice Information Authority
  • Illinois Attorney General’s Office
  • National Children’s Alliance
  • U.S. Department of Justice, Office for Victims of Crime

Foundation and Corporate Partners:

Our Events

ChicagoCAC hosts special events to raise funds and awareness for our work. Individuals and corporations can support the center through tickets, sponsorships and donations to our silent auctions.

For more information about our funding, contact Nakia Kyler at (312) 492-3637 or

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