The Chicago Prevention Alliance (CPA) unites prevention educators through collaboration to end sexual harm against or by young people.

Mission: We unite prevention educators through collaboration to end sexual harm against or by young people.  
Vision: We envision a Chicago where no young person is sexually harmed. 

Core Beliefs: 

  • The Chicago Prevention Alliance believes in using research, evaluation and data to inform primary prevention strategies. 
  • CPA seeks to utilize complementary and diverse skill sets already embodied within its member organizations, and will partner with local schools, youth-serving organizations, advocates and political entities charged with ensuring safe and equitable education and programming for children and youth. 
  • CPA seeks to engage youth and survivor feedback directly to inform our prevention strategies. 
  • CPA uses its collective voice to amplify our individual advocacy efforts, and seeks to create innovative and effective primary prevention strategies collectively that can be scaled to a larger audience. 
  • The work of CPA is not a replacement of the individual services provided by its members, but an enrichment and complement.

For more information about Chicago Prevention Alliance, please contact Laura Daily, Prevention and Coalition Coordinator, at 

CPA Members (steering members have a * by their name):

A Long Walk Home
Apna Ghar
Between Friends Chicago – Teen Dating Violence Prevention
Chicago Alliance Against Sexual Exploitation (CAASE) *
Chicago Children’s Advocacy Center
Chicago Women’s Health Center
Childhood Fractured
Communities In Schools of Chicago
Howard Brown Health Center – In Power: The Sexual Harm Response Program
Illinois Caucus for Adolescent Health
Imagination Theater *
JCFS Chicago – Response for Teens
Ann & Robert H. Lurie Children’s Hospital, The Potocsnak Family Division of Adolescent and Young Adult Medicine, Sexuality Education Program
Mujeres Latinas en Accion *
Planned Parenthood of Illinois
Prevent Child Abuse Illinois
Resilience *
Sarah’s Inn
Selah Freedom
Youth Outreach Services
YWCA Metropolitan Chicago *

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