Karina Gil rejoins ChicagoCAC this month as our new Education & Prevention Director! She brings a wealth of knowledge and experience to her role – especially about us.
Karina first joined ChicagoCAC in 2005. For ten years, she coordinated investigations of child sexual abuse and provided family advocacy at ChicagoCAC. In 2015, she joined the Education, Prevention & Policy Team, eventually becoming our Lead Education Specialist. In this role, she helped educate thousands of community members each year about preventing and responding to child abuse, and offered training and education sessions in Spanish as well. Karina has a degree in Sociology with a minor in Family and Child Studies from Northern Illinois University.
In 2019, Karina left ChicagoCAC to work at another advocacy center in direct service as a family advocate and MDT coordinator. She says, “I love this work because it is rewarding and as a survivor, I feel connected to the work and mission. I feel that survivors bring a different perspective and voice to the table. And I’m excited about the Chicago Prevention Alliance and ChicagoCAC’s role in providing sexual harm prevention and education.”
When she’s not working on behalf of Chicago’s children and families, Karina enjoys finding time for herself and her family. She says, “I’m married and have a beautiful, energetic one- year-old daughter. So vacations are part of my self-care – they help me relax and unwind.”
Want to work with Karina as part of our Education and Prevention Team? We’re hiring a Bilingual Education Specialist – check out the job posting now!