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Rivette quoted in launch of Chicago’s new gender-based-violence plan

On September 27, 2021, the City of Chicago announced the first citywide strategic plan to combat gender-based violence, the result of an advisory council on this topic convened in February 2021.

“It has been an honor and a privilege to participate on the Mayor’s GBV Advisory Council to ensure that youth victims of sexual violence are prioritized in the City’s strategic plan and budget,” said ChicagoCAC Executive Director Char Rivette. “It’s a bold step for Chicago to become a world leader in creating a comprehensive and effective service system for survivors that relies heavily on community input and expertise.”

The plan seeks to enhance coordination between government and community partners, develop alternate responses to the criminal legal system and improve law enforcement’s response to #GBV and human trafficking, and assess and revise policies that create barriers to survivors accessing support.

You can view the full plan at Chicago.gov/GBV, and the announcement also received coverage in the Chicago Sun-Times and Chicago Tribune.

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