When a young person comes out as LGBTQ+, parents and caregivers might not know what to expect. They might not know much about LGBTQ+ identity, might not know other people who are LGBTQ+, and might have misconceptions about what this could mean for their future. And while parents and caregivers often want to be supportive, many LGBTQ+ youth grow up in households that aren’t accepting. We hope some of these articles below can help parents and caregivers of LGBTQ+ youth before, during and after the coming out process, at home and at school.

During the COVID-19 pandemic has been extremely difficult for everyone, LGBTQ+ youth struggled with the extended time away from spaces that might have been more accepting than their home. This Healthline article discusses the positive impact an accepting home can have on LGBTQ+ youth’s mental and physical health.

Books For Parents and Caregivers of LGBTQ+ Youth

So where do you turn when you have questions about your child coming out? Both PFLAG and the book review site Book Riot have some helpful lists of reading material for parents and caregivers who need the reassuring voice of people who have been there before – and some recommendations for their children to check out as well!

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