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Julie O'Brien

COVID-19: We remain open

ChicagoCAC is an essential provider, and we remain open for the children and families who need us. We are complying with the city of Chicago’s orders to protect Chicago residents. Our hearts are with you all. Check on the children in your life, keep communication open, and call the DCFS hotline at (800) 25-ABUSE if you suspect abuse.

Trafficking Training

Join us April 30 to understand the prevalence of human trafficking in the Chicago area, signs to identify potential victims, and how to work with survivors of all ages. Learn more and register →

Mindless to Mindful Training

Practitioners are invited to learn how mindlessness develops and the negative impact it has on work and life, as well as key causes of mindlessness and related strategies for addressing them. Together, we will practice mindful strategies. Learn more and register →


Show your support for ChicagoCAC on tees, leggings and other branded gear from CLOZTALK. 20% of all purchases are donated right back to the center to support our vital programs!

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